
In Issues 1991

Buchbesprechungen pp. 122-128

- CARLOS PEREZ-SANTOS & ANA G. MORENO (1988): Ofidios de Colombia
TONY WHITAKER & BRUCE THOMAS (1989): New Zealand Lizards: an Annotated Bibliography
J. CASTANET & R. GUYETANT (1989) (Hrsg.) : Atlas de repartition des amphibiens et reptiles de France
ALLEN E. GREER (1990): The biology and evolution of Australian lizards
GLOYD, H. K. & R. CONANT (1990): Snakes of the Agkistrodon complex
MATSUI, M., HIKIDA, T. & R. C. GORIS (1989) (Hrsg.): Current Herpetology in East Asia